About Us

Rev. Linda Holman, Spiritual Enrichment Center

My name is Linda Holman and I am the founder of this spiritual community.

The mission of the Spiritual Enrichment Center it is to help people connect with their inner selves and find joy, love, and fulfillment.

From very young, I felt like there was something wrong with me. So I began the journey to find out how to fix it.

My seeking included psychics, astrology, and Tarot. I learned they could only tell me what I already knew.

Psychology and therapy helped somewhat; but didn’t provide the answers I sought and often took years. I continued my pursuit for meaningful growth.

Balancing the company I ran with six years of classes, I became and served as a minister, teaching classes and counseling congregants.

I found my purpose. Not religion, but Spirituality. The journey into self-discovery unfolded and the answers I sought were revealed.

My classes and talks are based upon what I’ve learned and experienced for myself. I share wisdom and the principles for creating a joyful and satisfying life.

It begins with self; your purpose, passion, and dreams. It’s about becoming who you are meant to be.

I would love to have you join us and experience the positive impact of the classes for yourself.

Please explore our website and checkout the Workshops page or give me a call at 714-329-8177 to learn more and sign up for a class.


The power to change the world is simple.  People need to learn to love themselves. All life responds to love. 

As babies we love and delight in our bodies.  We play and chew on our fists and fingers, feet and toes upon discovering them.  We marvel at each discovery and what it can do.  

Then something happens. 

Little by little the negativity, criticism, judgments, and comparisons are heaped upon us by the world.   We start finding fault with our bodies.    We’re too skinny or fat, the eyes too narrow, not athletic enough, or the scar too visible.

It no longer matters what the body can do, we focus on a perception of flaws.  It chips away at accepting and loving our bodies and ourselves.

Play and exploration in childhood brings another challenge.

Talents, inclinations, and dreams that are discounted, punished, or ignored cause us to doubt ourselves.  Criticism, neglect, or abuse creates feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness. 

Patterns are formed.  We continue them as adults.  Sometimes it turns into hate acted out on others or through self harm.   Each time the world becomes darker.

The darkness on the earth comes from the lack of self love.  When we love ourselves, we cannot hate others.

Change the world by loving yourself.  Appreciate who you are.  Let love permeate you from head to toe.  Feel it in your heart and being.     

The competition ends, the anxiety subsides, the fear melts away, and the darkness becomes light through love.  Recognition of being part of the Whole takes place.

Transform yourself with love and you’ve changed the world.  Think of the butterfly effect. The flap of a wing creates wind on the other side of the world. 

Love is even more powerful and grows as it flows.

 Affirm for Yourself      “I love me”   & “I am worthy and valued for being me.”   Feel it and darkness lifts.   Life will return your love.

                                                       L.A. Holman   copyright  2022



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